+334 83 58 03 43
29 Rue du Pont | 92200 Neuilly-sur-Sein | France



Excelerate supports a growing number of Police Forces across the UK, and one of the biggest challenges they tell us they face is not being able to communicate effectively at pre-planned events such as a festival, major sporting event or a global summit, or when deployed at a spontaneous and complex incident.

As a result, we collaborate closely with our police customers to fully understand their operational requirements and to ensure they have the flexibility to deploy anywhere from a field where limited or no communications exists.

Our customers include The Home Office, Thames Valley Police, Gwent Police, Scottish Police, Northamptonshire Police and more.

Protecting personnel and the public at major events

From the G7 and NATO Summits and The Ryder Cup through to royal engagements and music festivals, Excelerate is supporting a growing number of forces across the UK to provide Real time bodyworn and UAV streaming solutions and connected vehicles such as operational support units and CCTV vans in addition to mobile deployable connectivity hubs. These range from portable WIFI hotspots, such as the Linx Hub, through to Private LTE hubs which do not rely on terrestrial infrastructure.
Why we are increasingly working collaboratively?
Our bespoke connectivity infrastructures are designed to keep the public and operational personal safe. We ensure our customers, which include Thames Valley Police, Gwent Police, and Police Scotland have the products and solutions to enable failsafe communication of data, Video and voice

Use Cases

Joint Operations to manage multiple complex incidents

Northamptonshire Joint Operations Team and command unit represents the endless opportunities presented by both greater interoperability between agencies and the intelligent use of digital communications. Since 2016, it has been deployed at multiple complex incidents, pre-planned and community events and major incidents.
The first of its type in the UK, the high-tech vehicle features satellite, 4G and private LTE communications, while the built-in technology includes the ability to receive and view footage from remote static cameras, body worn cameras, UAV’s and the police helicopter. The services are now rolling out a fully connected fleet to support various operational scenarios

Joint Operations

The first of its type in the UK, the high-tech vehicle features satellite, 4G and private LTE communications, while the built-in technology includes the ability to receive and view footage from remote static cameras, body worn cameras, UAV’s and the police helicopter.
The service are now rolling out a fully connected fleet to support various operational scenarios.

Viurtual Tour - Northamptonshire Police and Fire & Rescue Service Joint Command Unit

Resilient Mobile Connectivity for Rural Policing

The impact of crime on victims and businesses in rural areas can be devastating. Whilst crime occurs less frequently, when criminals do target those living and working in these locations the impact on residents and businesses can be much greater. Some of the issues faced by rural communities include farm and agricultural crime, crimes against small rural businesses, wildlife and heritage crime and more.

A mobile police station with integrated communications technology can support officers with on-going engagement by giving them the freedom to access and share information even in remote locations where no terrestrial coverage exists or is very poor. This can help forces increase their visibility in rural communities and provide specialist expertise on how to be more vigilant, enhance security of buildings and land, report a crime and more.


Dyfed-Powys Police currently uses four state-of-the-art mobile police stations to enhance its rural policing strategies


The four mobile police stations have been designed and equipped to replicate actual police stations. They are bespoke, purpose-built vehicles capable of providing a professional, practical and long-lasting service that supports the Neighbourhood Policing Teams in their work to further engage with their communities.
“The teams that will be using them will be much more accessible to people who may not previously have contact with or seen the police due to the distance they live from the nearest town, or the low level of crime and incidents in their community. This will help us to further enhance our community engagement through the whole force area.
“The technology built into the vehicles also enables them to be multifunctional and used as a base for officers during police incidents. This is crucial for us as we require every project we commission to be value for money and provide benefits for our communities.”
– Chris Curtis – Superintendent, Dyfed-Powys Police.
The onboard communications ensure the local teams have mobile data and voice connectivity at all times, even in the harder to reach communities, securing the best value for money and optimal usability for this investment. This is further supported by Excelerate’s flexible airtime packages, which will enable the sharing of airtime between the four mobile stations. Airtime sharing will give the Force optimum flexibility and best value, as some stations will have greater needs for data and bandwidth than others.

Connected Responder

The world we live in is becoming increasingly connectivity-centric. The number of devices used in the field is ever-increasing and reliable connectivity is critical for any number of smart devices to function.
Devices like body-worn cameras and UAV’s (unmanned aerial vehicles) rely on varying degrees of connectivity.
At Excelerate, we streamline connectivity by developing solutions that are simple and user-friendly. For us, it’s about making complex technologies simple so that responders can focus on the task at hand, rather than technology.